We strive to ensure our customers are satisfied with each purchase, but we understand that sometimes things happen.

You can return most unopened, unused products within 7 days of receiving it.

We do not guarantee delivery or order quality/completion if you are using a mail forwarding service. These services are largely scams and we will not be able to reimburse you for any issues that could result from them tampering with, stealing, or losing your order!

Return Process

Exchange for Damaged or Defective Products

If you have received a damaged or defective product, please email us at omgwebsales@gmail.com. We will be happy to refund or replace your purchase.*EverythingOMG.com will only accept returns and refunds from purchases made on EverythingOMG.com. We will not allow returns from a purchase made in a retail store.**Please also note that we do not have a money back guarantee, as Cannabinoids can affect everyone differently. We are not able to accept back any product that has been opened or used.

Delayed / Lost Packages

Over 99% of the time, our packages arrive on time with no delays. On occasion a package will get lost in the mail, or arrive later than expected. Once we ship the item, your point of contact is the shipping courier. In most cases that is USPS. If you have any questions about your shipment, please contact USPS by calling 800-ASK-USPS and they are usually able to locate the package. If you order using First Class Mail, please note there is no insurance and should the package be lost, we will not replace it. If you would like insurance please use Priority Mail which does come with either $50 or $100 in insurance. Please note that the package must be more than 15 days late prior to filing a claim. Insurance claims and USPS service issues must be directed to USPS. OMG Everything cannot resolve issues on behalf of USPS. We are not responsible for any package being stolen off your doorstep or mailbox.

Are you 21 or older? OMG Everything requires you to be 21 years of age or older. Please verify your age to view the content, or click "Exit" to leave.
Quarter Pounds on sale for 600$ add 4 OZ of any flower and each OZ will be 150!